Superb Solar

Air Hot Water Tanks

hot water

Exploring the benefits, subsidies and savings of Air Hot Water Tanks

In recent years, air hot water tanks have gained popularity as a more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional water heating systems. By utilising ambient air to heat the water, these tanks offer numerous advantages that make them an attractive option for both residential and commercial applications.

There are many reasons to upgrade your air hot water tanks including:

  • Government-facilitated subsidies
  • Upgrade to an energy-efficient heat pump for a minimum fee or free in many cases
  • Save up to 70% on your water heating costs
  • Flexibility of many heat pump sizes and brands to suit every household

Air hot water tanks make a compelling choice for efficient and eco-conscious water heating. From energy and cost savings to environmental friendliness and installation versatility, these tanks offer a reliable and sustainable solution for residential and commercial properties.


Energy efficiency

One of the primary advantages of air hot water tanks is their impressive energy efficiency. Unlike conventional water heaters that rely on electricity or fossil fuels, air hot water tanks harness the existing heat in the surrounding air to warm the water. By doing so, they minimize the need for additional energy sources, resulting in significant energy savings and reduced utility bills over time.


Cost savings

The energy efficiency of air hot water tanks directly translates into cost savings for homeowners and businesses. By reducing reliance on traditional heating methods, these tanks can help lower monthly utility bills, allowing you to allocate those savings to other important expenses. Additionally, their long-term energy efficiency can result in substantial savings over the lifespan of the system.


Environmental friendliness

In an era where environmental consciousness is paramount, air hot water tanks shine as an eco-friendly option. By utilizing ambient air as a heat source, they minimize the consumption of fossil fuels and reduce carbon emissions. This makes them a greener choice that contributes to sustainable living and helps combat climate change.

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Versatility in installation

Another benefit of air hot water tanks is their versatility in installation. These tanks can be installed indoors or outdoors, providing flexibility to fit various property types and space constraints. Whether you have limited indoor space or prefer an outdoor installation, air hot water tanks can accommodate your preferences and needs.

Safety and reliability

Safety is always a concern when it comes to water heating systems. Air hot water tanks offer peace of mind in this regard. Unlike traditional water heaters, they eliminate the risk of gas leaks or combustion-related accidents. With their reliable and straightforward operation, you can trust that your air hot water tank will provide a consistent supply of hot water without compromising safety.

Air hot water tanks bring a host of benefits that make them a compelling choice for efficient and eco-conscious water heating. From energy and cost savings to environmental friendliness and installation versatility, these tanks offer a reliable and sustainable solution for residential and commercial properties.

As you explore options for water heating, considering an air hot water tank can lead to long-term advantages, both for your pocket and the planet. Consult with professionals in the field to determine if an air hot water tank is the right fit for your specific needs, and enjoy the benefits of efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly hot water.


Contact us today

Contact us today for an obligation-free consultation and quote. We’ll save you money, improve your business or home and help you contribute to a healthier environment.

Heat pump and tank

Superb Solar’s hot water heat pumps provide energy-efficient hot water all year round. Our refrigerant cycling heat pumps are available with an optional built-in electric heater to boost hot water supply when needed.

The refrigerant cycling heat pump’s heat exchanger is in the water tank resulting in less energy use due to heat loss. It can also operate under lower outdoor temperature conditions.


refrigerant cycling
Product Information

Heat Pumps - Refrigerant Cycling


Superb Solar’s all-in-one heat pumps have an optional built-in electric heater to boost the hot water supply when needed. The highly efficient DC inverter technology prolongs the lifetime of the componentry and produces less noise.

The all-in-one heat pump is designed for optimal performance in both residential and commercial settings. With a low Global Warming Potential (GWP) this heat pump delivers a high certificate yield when used in a commercial environment.

all in one
Product Information

Heat Pumps - All-in-one

iStore Hot Water Systems

If you’re in search of an energy-efficient hot water
solution that not only helps you save hundreds of dollars
but also significantly reduces your carbon emissions, look no further than the iStore. With the iStore, you can enjoy savings of up to 75% on your hot water bills.

The iStore is specifically engineered to meet Australia’s challenging water and climate conditions. We proudly offer a 5-year comprehensive warranty, providing you with complete confidence in the durability and performance of the iStore.

Product Information

Heat Pumps - Refrigerant Cycling

Contact us today

Contact us today for an obligation-free consultation and quote. We’ll save you money, improve your business or home and help you contribute to a healthier environment.

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