
Why Commercial Solar Energy and LED Lighting Is Important For Your Business

How can commercial solar energy and led lighting maximise your business’ profits, improve efficiencies and protect the environment?

For your business to be truly profitable, you need to ensure you have the most efficient and effective energy systems operating within your organisation. They must be designed specifically for your business’ needs so you can slash your energy bills as well as reduce your carbon footprint for a healthier and more sustainable environment.

Commercial Solar Panels

To optimise the full benefits of solar energy, it’s critical to consider professional design, application and installation of an efficient solar panel system, which has been tailored specifically for your business’ unique needs.

By evaluating all aspects such as the roof, location, and compatibility of electricity requirements, you can implement the most comprehensive solar power system for your business and boost profit margins from the huge savings. This will also protect from rising energy costs in the future.

As an additional incentive, the government will subsidise part of your solar system installation and you could claim up to $150,000 as an instant tax write-off.

Commercial Led Lighting

Much like solar energy, it’s critical to get the right lighting solutions that are most efficient for your business, as lighting layouts can vary significantly depending on the workspace and the type of work being conducted.

An evaluative lighting report before installation will ensure the correct implementation and use of light output levels for the different areas within your organisation.

The general interior and workplace lighting standards should also be considered together with any specific requirements, for the utmost in productivity and safety conditions for staff.

LED lights can be used across almost all industries and organisations such as:

  • Hospitals, medical facilities, laboratories, and aged care.
  • Hotels, casinos, entertainment complexes, restaurants, and museums.
  • Industrial manufacturing and warehousing.
  • Office blocks and business centres
  • General retail, supermarkets and department stores
  • Gymnasiums, stadiums and swimming pools.

By evaluating your business’ unique needs and installing the most cost effective and efficient commercial solar and led lighting solutions for your business, you can begin to take advantage immediately of the huge financial savings and improve on your business’ viability for future success.

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