household carbon footprint

Reduce your household’s carbon footprint

How you can drastically reduce your household’s carbon footprint with residential solar panels to help stop pollution and protect our environment.

According to the Environment Protection Authority (EPA), Australian households generate on average more than 18 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions per household each year, with some homes depending on location and lifestyles, generating up to 30 tonnes or even more. With such significant environmental pollution, it is important to consider all ways in which we can alleviate this burden on our planet.

Solar panels are an excellent way to minimise your carbon footprint as they work to harvest energy from the sun and convert it into your very own supply of electricity, instead of relying on off-the-grid supply.

Solar energy is natural, renewable and free

Solar energy is one of the cleanest sources of energy. It’s natural, renewable, abundant in supply and free. There is no need to burn the already dwindling supplies of fossil fuels such as coal and gas, which also helps to minimise harmful greenhouse gases and reduces pollution overall.

Additionally, solar power does not require any water which is used in excessive quantities in traditional electricity production, preserving one of our most precious resources.

Don’t rely on energy companies

By using your own naturally generated electricity, you help to reduce your energy requirements from the grid, further minimising the CO2 emissions emitted on your behalf. In addition, you can save hundreds of dollars a year on the costly energy prices from power companies, which continue to rise annually.

In fact, you could offset anywhere between a half to one tonne of carbon dioxide for every megawatt hour of solar energy you consume. Even just a small residential solar panel system on your home can help to reduce your household’s carbon footprint and contribute personally to the Australian Renewable Energy Target.

Long-term benefits

Solar panel production is constantly evolving in its efficiency, rapidly cancelling out the carbon footprint from manufacturing and further contributing to the overall well-being of our environment in the long run.

From reducing greenhouse gases, improving air quality, and conserving our precious water, residential solar panels can help to reduce your carbon footprint and lower energy prices for years to come.

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