Author name: Superb Solar

household carbon footprint

Reduce your household’s carbon footprint

How you can drastically reduce your household’s carbon footprint with residential solar panels to help stop pollution and protect our environment. According to the Environment Protection Authority (EPA), Australian households generate on average more than 18 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions per household each year, with some homes depending on location and lifestyles, generating up to 30 tonnes or even more. With such significant environmental pollution, it is important to consider all ways in which we can alleviate this burden on our planet. Solar panels are an excellent way to minimise your carbon footprint as they work to harvest energy from the sun and convert it into your very own supply of electricity, instead of relying on off-the-grid supply. Solar energy is natural, renewable and free Solar energy is one of the cleanest sources of energy. It’s natural, renewable, abundant in supply and free. There is no need to burn the already dwindling supplies of fossil fuels such as coal and gas, which also helps to minimise harmful greenhouse gases and reduces pollution overall. Additionally, solar power does not require any water which is used in excessive quantities in traditional electricity production, preserving one of our most precious resources. Don’t rely on energy companies By using your own naturally generated electricity, you help to reduce your energy requirements from the grid, further minimising the CO2 emissions emitted on your behalf. In addition, you can save hundreds of dollars a year on the costly energy prices from power companies, which continue to rise annually. In fact, you could offset anywhere between a half to one tonne of carbon dioxide for every megawatt hour of solar energy you consume. Even just a small residential solar panel system on your home can help to reduce your household’s carbon footprint and contribute personally to the Australian Renewable Energy Target. Long-term benefits Solar panel production is constantly evolving in its efficiency, rapidly cancelling out the carbon footprint from manufacturing and further contributing to the overall well-being of our environment in the long run. From reducing greenhouse gases, improving air quality, and conserving our precious water, residential solar panels can help to reduce your carbon footprint and lower energy prices for years to come.

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panels clouds

Four ways solar energy makes great financial sense

Investing in solar panels has never been more affordable. Here are four reasons why solar energy makes great financial sense. Homeowners convert to solar energy for many reasons but perhaps the most popular incentive is for the huge financial savings. Installing a solar power system in your home is now a much more affordable investment, making the financial returns highly feasible and available in a much shorter time. Depending on your location, you could start to see huge savings on your energy bills in as little as three years. Here are four ways solar energy makes great financial sense. Slash your electricity bills (or get rid of them altogether!) Electricity bills can contribute to a large portion of your monthly expenses, often placing a huge financial strain on the average household. By relying on your solar panel system, you cut out the additional exorbitant expenses included in your power bills such as the cost, maintenance and repairs of the power poles and wires needed to bring electricity to your home. You can generate free power for decades to come and even if you don’t produce 100% of your energy usage, solar energy will still drastically reduce your energy bills, guaranteeing savings in the long run. Avoid rising energy costs Every year, electricity prices continue to soar throughout the country. By investing in a solar energy system today, you can lock in an affordable electricity rate to safeguard you from energy price increases in the future. Increase your property value Houses equipped with a solar panel system are far more attractive to potential buyers than houses without. With a solar system set up and ready to go, a prospective buyer will appreciate the fact that their potential new home is free of the expensive energy costs needed to run it and would be happy to pay a little extra to secure such an asset. Earn a great return on your investment Many homeowners don’t consider solar energy an investment in the way they would a traditional venture such as a term deposit. However, it’s actually one of the best investments you could make as the average solar panel system pays for itself multiple times over the course of its decades-long lifespan. As an example, the average Australian solar panel system buyer receives a minimum of 20% return on their money within three to seven years, an investment far more lucrative than a term deposit, share market or a super fund. With such rewarding incentives and profitable savings to be made, now is a great time to act and invest in solar energy; for the peace of mind that comes with a financially sustainable and secure future.

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Why Commercial Solar Energy and LED Lighting Is Important For Your Business

How can commercial solar energy and led lighting maximise your business’ profits, improve efficiencies and protect the environment? For your business to be truly profitable, you need to ensure you have the most efficient and effective energy systems operating within your organisation. They must be designed specifically for your business’ needs so you can slash your energy bills as well as reduce your carbon footprint for a healthier and more sustainable environment. Commercial Solar Panels To optimise the full benefits of solar energy, it’s critical to consider professional design, application and installation of an efficient solar panel system, which has been tailored specifically for your business’ unique needs. By evaluating all aspects such as the roof, location, and compatibility of electricity requirements, you can implement the most comprehensive solar power system for your business and boost profit margins from the huge savings. This will also protect from rising energy costs in the future. As an additional incentive, the government will subsidise part of your solar system installation and you could claim up to $150,000 as an instant tax write-off. Commercial Led Lighting Much like solar energy, it’s critical to get the right lighting solutions that are most efficient for your business, as lighting layouts can vary significantly depending on the workspace and the type of work being conducted. An evaluative lighting report before installation will ensure the correct implementation and use of light output levels for the different areas within your organisation. The general interior and workplace lighting standards should also be considered together with any specific requirements, for the utmost in productivity and safety conditions for staff. LED lights can be used across almost all industries and organisations such as: Hospitals, medical facilities, laboratories, and aged care. Hotels, casinos, entertainment complexes, restaurants, and museums. Industrial manufacturing and warehousing. Office blocks and business centres General retail, supermarkets and department stores Gymnasiums, stadiums and swimming pools. By evaluating your business’ unique needs and installing the most cost effective and efficient commercial solar and led lighting solutions for your business, you can begin to take advantage immediately of the huge financial savings and improve on your business’ viability for future success.

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light pollution

How to reduce light pollution in 3 simple steps

Light pollution has many ill-effects on our health, our wildlife, and the environment. Here are 3 simple steps to reduce light pollution effectively and efficiently. When we think of pollution, it’s usually ocean, greenhouse gases or chemical pollution that comes to mind. However, another type known as light pollution is just as prevalent in its environmental damage but often stays under the radar due to its more subtle ill effects when compared to dirty air or water. The constant abundance of stimulating, artificial light not only harms our health by disrupting our metabolism and sleep but also the well-being of our wildlife where it interferes with their migratory and breeding patterns. Unnecessary outdoor lighting also wastes high amounts of energy and further adds to greenhouse gas emissions. Fortunately, it’s the easiest form of pollution to remedy and these three simple steps are a great way to start: 1. Minimise light usage While this is an obvious one, its often overlooked. The luxury of lighting a room with just the flick of a switch, unfortunately, leads to complacency with turning lights off. It’s important to be mindful of whether the light is really necessary, especially during the day. Ensuring that lights are turned off when not in use as well as unnecessary outdoor lights is the easiest, cheapest, and most effective action to instantly reduce light pollution. 2. Switch traditional lightbulbs to efficient compact fluorescent lights and LEDs By switching to warm-coloured LEDs and CFLs, you can reduce light pollution levels and save a significant amount on energy costs without compromising on effective visibility. Investing in smart light controls to help manage your lights remotely as well as timers, dimmers and motion sensor lighting also help to minimise wasteful usage and undesirable light trespass. As a bonus, you reap the rewards in energy bill savings while reducing harmful emissions to the environment. 3. Optimise outdoor light settings with glare-reducing fixtures. Outdoor lighting fixtures that direct the light source more accurately to where it’s needed is a great way to minimise distractive glare, light trespass and reduce light pollution overall. By being mindful of our light usage and switching to the most energy-efficient light technology available, we can instantly enjoy the benefits of a safer and healthier environment.

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LED lighting

5 Reasons Why You Should Consider LED Lighting

Energy prices are increasing so it’s important to have the most cost-effective lighting in your premises. Here are 5 reasons why you should consider LED lighting. When considering lighting options for your home or business, chances are you will be overwhelmed by the many different types available. With energy prices constantly increasing, it is now more important than ever to ensure you choose the most cost-effective lighting for the pocket, whilst also protecting and preserving our environment. Here we break down the 5 reasons to consider LED lights. 1. Energy Efficient = Huge Savings The more energy or watts a bulb uses to light up a room, the more it will cost to run. As the average Australian home has approximately 37 light bulbs, it’s not long before energy prices begin to skyrocket, placing a huge strain on a typical household’s finances. Switching to LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) is a smart choice as they generally use around 85% less electricity than traditional incandescent bulbs. As they are much more effective in generating light, they have minimal heat output dramatically reducing electricity wastage. This high level of operational efficiency can have huge savings of hundreds of dollars a year. 2. Long life LEDs have a super long lifespan of around 25,000 hours as opposed to conventional bulbs which only last between 1,000 – 2,000 hours, further adding to their cost effectiveness. As they are more robust in nature, the need for replacements is extremely low and together with the minimal need for upkeep and maintenance, your savings become even greater. 3. Cooler and safer LEDs operate at a much cooler temperature than traditional bulbs, greatly reducing the risk of fire hazards and minimising the deterioration of light fittings, shades and decorations. This also allows heating or air-conditioning systems to run more efficiently at the desired temperature setting. LED lighting is also completely sealed and highly resistant to harsh impacts, vibrations, or strong weather conditions. With no glass parts, these lights are much safer, especially around little ones. They are also mercury-free, ensuring no dangerous runoff into the environment once disposed of. 4. Greener energy As LEDs have longer-lasting power, less replacement is needed allowing a flow-on effect in reducing all aspects of production and ensuring reduced carbon footprint overall. Furthermore, they are ideal to work in tandem alongside renewable energy sources such as solar panels or wind power for maximum efficiency. 5. More options The range of LED products is constantly evolving and with its low power and weight advantages, there are many choices available such as colour-changing LED strips, downlights, and luminaires. LED products can also be integrated into various systems such as smart light timers which can be remotely controlled by smartphones or tablets.   With LED products becoming more affordable and with ever-improving energy efficiency, there has never been a better time to switch to LED lighting to save money as well as protect our environment.

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Why choose us

Solar panels: Why they must be installed by a fully qualified electrician

A solar panel system works differently from a standard grid electrical system so make sure you choose a fully qualified and accredited solar panel electrician. While solar power is a form of electricity, solar panel systems operate differently to the standard grid electrical system so for various reasons, it is critical they are installed by fully qualified solar power electricians. When you purchase a solar power system from Superb Solar, you will qualify for a government rebate in the form of Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs), on the condition that you have hired a licensed solar power electrician who holds accreditation from the Clean Energy Council (CEC). At Superb Solar, all our electricians are fully qualified and accredited so you can take advantage of all available rebates included in your solar power system purchase and installation. STCs have significant cash value and can reduce your overall cost by up to a few thousand dollars. Our supply installation quotes are fully comprehensive and cover all the components needed to ensure your solar power system functions smoothly including the panels, inverter, battery and/or grid connection parts. The parts also include their own individual warranties for extra assurance. All work performed by Superb Solar comes complete with a comprehensive workmanship warranty and we remain committed to providing long-term quality service and maintenance well after installation is complete for extra peace of mind. By choosing our fully accredited expert team, we can guarantee that we have the full training, experience, and knowledge needed to install your solar panel system correctly and efficiently.

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