LED lighting

5 Reasons Why You Should Consider LED Lighting

Energy prices are increasing so it’s important to have the most cost-effective lighting in your premises. Here are 5 reasons why you should consider LED lighting.

When considering lighting options for your home or business, chances are you will be overwhelmed by the many different types available. With energy prices constantly increasing, it is now more important than ever to ensure you choose the most cost-effective lighting for the pocket, whilst also protecting and preserving our environment.

Here we break down the 5 reasons to consider LED lights.

1. Energy Efficient = Huge Savings

The more energy or watts a bulb uses to light up a room, the more it will cost to run. As the average Australian home has approximately 37 light bulbs, it’s not long before energy prices begin to skyrocket, placing a huge strain on a typical household’s finances.

Switching to LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) is a smart choice as they generally use around 85% less electricity than traditional incandescent bulbs. As they are much more effective in generating light, they have minimal heat output dramatically reducing electricity wastage. This high level of operational efficiency can have huge savings of hundreds of dollars a year.

2. Long life

LEDs have a super long lifespan of around 25,000 hours as opposed to conventional bulbs which only last between 1,000 – 2,000 hours, further adding to their cost effectiveness.

As they are more robust in nature, the need for replacements is extremely low and together with the minimal need for upkeep and maintenance, your savings become even greater.

3. Cooler and safer

LEDs operate at a much cooler temperature than traditional bulbs, greatly reducing the risk of fire hazards and minimising the deterioration of light fittings, shades and decorations. This also allows heating or air-conditioning systems to run more efficiently at the desired temperature setting.

LED lighting is also completely sealed and highly resistant to harsh impacts, vibrations, or strong weather conditions. With no glass parts, these lights are much safer, especially around little ones. They are also mercury-free, ensuring no dangerous runoff into the environment once disposed of.

4. Greener energy

As LEDs have longer-lasting power, less replacement is needed allowing a flow-on effect in reducing all aspects of production and ensuring reduced carbon footprint overall.

Furthermore, they are ideal to work in tandem alongside renewable energy sources such as solar panels or wind power for maximum efficiency.

5. More options

The range of LED products is constantly evolving and with its low power and weight advantages, there are many choices available such as colour-changing LED strips, downlights, and luminaires.

LED products can also be integrated into various systems such as smart light timers which can be remotely controlled by smartphones or tablets.


With LED products becoming more affordable and with ever-improving energy efficiency, there has never been a better time to switch to LED lighting to save money as well as protect our environment.

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